• If you dream yourself and watch yourself from aside, this dream shows your actions and behavior in your real life.... (Yourself)
  • This is very good because you can observe yourself in order to avoid mistakes and thoughtless actions.... (Yourself)
  • (See Feces)... (Excrete)
  • The atmosphere and the general course of the dream clarify which of these two versions corresponds to each particular dream.... (Cleaning yourself up)
  • If we groomed ourselves in dreams it means that we are forced to hide our true thoughts and emotions, or that we are voluntarily willing to deceive or betray someone.... (Cleaning yourself up)
  • When people in our dreams appear with make up on or very groomed it’s a warning that some of our friendships and relationships are fake.... (Cleaning yourself up)
  • Seeing yourself with an embroidered dress indicates falsehood and deceit.... (Embroidering)
  • To dream about yourself wondering in a corn field and seeing how it has germinated, i.e., that green plants have raised above ground, suggests that what you are doing in your daily life will bring good results in a short term.... (Corn)
  • Seeing yourself drunk in a dream means that your life lacks goals.... (Drunk)
  • To dream of using or seeing a sledgehammer, offers to remove the barriers you have made for yourself.... (Sledgehammer)
  • Seeing yourself in one foretells about an unfair accusation.... (Assembly)
  • To dream of seeing yourself chased by a bull (the more ferocious the worse), suggests that issues being handled will be complicated by your own carelessness and the intervention of hypocrites and envious people who want to do harm to you.... (Bull)
  • Dreaming of seeing your soul leaving your body, signifies you are in danger of sacrificing yourself to useless designs, which will dwarf your sense of honor and cause you to become mercenary and uncharitable.... (Soul)
  • When you dream of seeing yourself angling it is a good sign.... (Angling)
  • If you dream of buying or seeing a bedspread, it indicates your sexual desires and the way you look or represent yourself.... (Bedspread)
  • If you dream of seeing a square, then such dream shows that you need more space to express yourself.... (Square)
  • The dream about seeing yourself upside down, denotes to untrue situation you are seeing.... (Upside Down)
  • Perhaps you are judging yourself and being too harsh on yourself.... (Warts)
  • Make sure you interpreter yourself well and accept yourself fully for who you are.... (Sex)
  • To dream that you are playing a fife symbolizes that you need to liberate yourself of mistrust that you have in yourself.... (Fife)
  • You must accept yourself and be true with yourself.... (Cremains)
  • To dream that you stutter, indicates your inability to make yourself heard or express yourself clearly.... (Stutter)
  • If you see yourself being attacked by someone, it signifies the protection you have on yourself.... (Attack (assault, strike))
  • Dreaming that you are whitewashing, foretells that you will seek to reinstate yourself with friends by ridding yourself of offensive habits and companions.... (Whitewash)
  • Dreaming of yourself selling tobacco in any way implies that you’re unhappy with yourself and your surroundings, possibly due to differences between you and others.... (Tobacco)
  • Dreaming that you climb a steep hill covered with wheat and think you are pulling yourself up by the stalks of wheat, denotes you will enjoy great prosperity and thus be able to distinguish yourself in any chosen pursuit.... (Wheat)
  • To see yourself handsome-looking in your dreams, you will prove yourself an ingenious flatterer.... (Handsome)
  • Maybe you feel insecure about yourself or the features you have about yourself, that’s why you feel unacceptable in your community.... (Blindfold)
  • You feel that the most important thing is your head and you try to protect yourself with this symbol as if you were protecting yourself for a battle.... (Helmet)
  • You have to free yourself from routine and express yourself more impulsively without thinking.... (Wheels)
  • If you dream you have the itch yourself, you will be harshly used, and will defend yourself by incriminating others.... (Itch)
  • If you think yourself one, you will not conduct yourself honorably towards people who trust you.... (Ventriloquist)
  • To see yourself as a matador in a dream suggests that you need to challenge and prepare yourself for some obstacles in something you’re working at.... (Matador)
  • Maybe you are worrying about being aged or maybe you do not trust yourself and underestimate yourself.... (Bald)
  • Dreaming that you can send a package or yourself out over a wire with the same rapidity that a message can be sent, denotes you will finally overcome obstacles and be able to use your enemies’ plans to advance yourself.... (Electricity)
  • The dream could also show that you are in intensive care of yourself and the way you present yourself to others.... (Skin)
  • Are you fiercest adversary for yourself? Maybe you shouldn’t put all of your energy in competition with yourself.... (Skiing)
  • If you see yourself doing particular or any work on the beach it foretells that very soon you might get the project that will take lots of your time and strength to get it done, so prepare yourself for hard work and try to keep calm with lots of patience.... (Beach)
  • When you dream of yourself wearing an armor, it means that you are protecting yourself from circumstances that could hurt you.... (Armor)
  • Dreaming that you are washing yourself, signifies that you pride yourself on the numberless liaisons you maintain.... (Washing)
  • This is the time when you look deeper into yourself and you are able to find new facts about yourself, which you did not know before.... (Archaeology)
  • When you dream of yourself backpacking it represents your independence and ability to look after yourself without anyone’s help.... (Backpacking)
  • Dreaming that you are on a campus, shows the way to or the direction of your need to expand your thinking about yourself, knowledge about external life and challenge yourself mentally.... (Campus)
  • To see yourself caught among briars, black enemies are weaving cords of calumny and perjury intricately around you and will cause you great distress, but if you succeed in disengaging yourself from the briars, loyal friends will come to your assistance in every emergency.... (Briars)
  • The dream in which you see yourself going through tunnel, symbolizes the new investigations you have done about yourself.... (Tunnel)
  • On the other hand, the dream may show how you humiliate yourself in front of others or just for yourself Perhaps there are things you do not believe you can achieve.... (Crawling)
  • Make sure you are surrounded by those who let you be yourself and you can express yourself as you are, without feeling uncomfortably.... (Arena)
  • You need to accept yourself with all your imperfections and look within yourself.... (Pencil)
  • Dreaming of a dragon, denotes that you allow yourself to be governed by your passions, and that you are likely to place yourself in the power of your enemies through those outbursts of sardonic tendencies.... (Dragon)
  • If you see yourself fighting or arguing with an acquaintance, it is the sign, that you should be very careful as you might get yourself in very uncomfortable situacion.... (Acquaintance)
  • When you see yourself on the magic carpet, then such dream shows the high tasks you have set for yourself.... (Magic Carpet)
  • The dream about crying suggests you to acknowledge yourself and believe in yourself, as it is ok to cry from time to time.... (Cry)
  • When you see yourself as being a conductor, then such dream denotes to your capability to walk yourself on the right path.... (Conductor)
  • Dreaming of yourself stuttering when trying to say something means you doubt yourself, a lack of joys in life, perplexity regarding problems, and mental block.... (Stutterer)
  • To be the statue yourself could refer your confidence and love to yourself, however other people that you are surrounded by do not get your ideas or attitudes, therefore they see you as a statue.... (Statue)
  • If you have telepathy feeling in a dream, then such dream suggests you to look deeper into yourself, because all the questions you have about yourself or others are lying within you.... (Telepathy)
  • Dreaming about prehistoric times suggests that you should adapt yourself or incorporate yourself in the present.... (Prehistoric)
  • When you see yourself in a mortuary, then such dream shows how you are interfering yourself by not practicing your capabilities and gifts.... (Mortuary)
  • Maybe you should open up a little bit more to the others, show your personality to those you love, and only then you will make yourself and others feel good about yourself.... (Antifreeze)
  • Make sure you are not grieving to much on yourself and be more forgiving yourself.... (Alarm)
  • When you see yourself morphing into another person, then it shows the aspects of that person you wish to imply in yourself.... (Morph)
  • Dreaming of the sky and instead of seeing stars, seeing characters that are not exactly angels, indicates that there are spiritual desires that haven’t been satisfied due to unfavorable conditions in life.... (Sky)
  • Seeing the crescent when it is rising in a dream is better than seeing it when it is declining.... (Crescent)
  • Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream frowning represents the ill state of the one seeing the dream.... (Muhammad)
  • Ibn Abi Jumrah once said – ”Seeing Him (uwbp) in a beautiful appearance denotes the good religious standing of the person seeing the dream.... (Muhammad)
  • Seeing the boat as it sails away, speaks of distances, goodbyes and seeing the boat reaching the coast may be reflecting that thing we expect with illusion.... (Boatman)
  • Seeing the moon at its highest point in a dream means honor and blessings while seeing it at its lowest point in a dream means the opposite.... (Moon)
  • When we are seeing an acrobat doing his exercises, or seeing ourselves doing stunts, then it warns us that in real life we are entering an unstable situation whose outcome will correspond with the dream.... (Acrobat, acrobatics)
  • (Changing hide into leather or curing it | Dye) Seeing a tanner in a dream is interpreted the same as seeing a cupper.... (Tanner)
  • Seeing black figs in season in a dream means comfort, while seeing white figs in a dream has a better connotation.... (Fig)
  • Seeing him in water is bad while seeing him on dry land means that he is weak and humiliated.... (Crocodile)
  • Seeing a woman quite bald ; famine, poverty, sickness, Seeing a man without hair ; abundance, riches, health.... (Hair)
  • Seeing an unknown woman in a dream has better connotations than seeing a woman one knows.... (Woman)
  • In a dream, seeing an unknown young girl is more advantageous than seeing a known one.... (Young woman)
  • (Avenue | City gates | Path | Road | Trail) Seeing a lane in a dream is like seeing the city’s gates.... (Lane)
  • Seeing God’s Prophet (uwbp) in his known and recognized appear- ance in a dream means that the one seeing the dream is a pious person, that his integrity is inviolable, and that his success is unquestionable.... (Muhammad)
  • (Educator | Eye-brow | Governess) Seeing one’s mother in a dream has a deeper and a stronger meaning than seeing one’s father.... (Mother)
  • Seeing him with some disfeatures in a dream, a deficiency or distortion in one’s application of his religious duties, for God’s Prophet (uwbp) is like a mirror that portrays the one standing before it.” In this sense, the person seeing the dream can recognize his own state.... (Muhammad)
  • Seeing the Holy Book in a dream also could mean seeing wonders, witnessing a miracle, hearing news, receiving happy news, or it could mean longevity for one who browse through it from cover to cover in his dream.... (Holy Book)
  • Seeing drapes out of their place in a dream mean adversities, and seeing them hanging over one’s windows has no interpretation.... (Drapes)
  • Seeing wild thyme in the field is better than seeing it cut in a dream, for once any fragrant plant is cut in a dream, then it means distress and worries.... (Wild thyme)
  • Seeing stars that denote the coming of winter in a dream means distress and sorrow, while seeing the stars that denote the coming of summer in a dream mean happiness and good living.... (Star)
  • If the one who is seeing the dream suffers from any of the above ills, seeing an astrologer in a dream also means dispelling such misfortunes.... (Astrologer)
  • Seeing oneself in a low plateau in a dream means difficulties and trouble, while seeing oneself in a high plateau means trustworthiness and truthfulness.... (City)
  • Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also could mean seeing miraculous events (Karamat), for his companions witnessed and testified to a deer greeting him, a camel who kissed his foot, the broiled leg of mutton talking to him, trees moving to give him cover, pebbles glorifying God’s praises in his hand, among countless miracles, including his Nocturnal Journey and ascension (Mi’rdj) to the heavens to meet his Lord.... (Muhammad)
  • (Monastery) In a dream, seeing a convent is like seeing a church.... (Convent)
  • (Chaste | Girl | Unmarried) Seeing a virgin woman in a dream means distress, adversities, or business difficulties, while seeing a woman in a dream means comfort and success.... (Virgin)
  • (Loafing | Loitering | Tramp | Vagabond) Seeing a destitute or seeing oneself as a destitute in a dream connotes a painful poverty, a self-damaging condition, ingratitude or disbelief.... (Destitute)
  • If that’s not the case, then: seeing ourselves naked equals seeing ourselves free of all hypocrisy.... (Naked, Undressing)
  • Seeing a new bedroom in one’s house, means renewing one’s hopes, or affirming a good intention between the one seeing the dream and his Lord.... (Bedroom)
  • (Defecate | Excrete | Human excrements) Feces in a dream represent money.... (Feces)
  • You have to understand that no one is perfect and you have to accept yourself for who you are.... (Anorexia)
  • Alternatively, it indicates your need to set some goals and plans for yourself.... (Clay)
  • To see yourself transfigured, you will stand high in the esteem of honest and prominent men.... (Transfiguration)
  • If you see that you are in the plane and it crashes, it represents your great expectations you expose to yourself, so do not try to achieve something you will not be able to.... (Airplane)
  • If somebody else was tracking you, then it signifies the carefulness you must to apply within yourself, otherwise you will be fooled by others.... (Track)
  • If you see yourself sowing in dreams, is a sign of peace and prosperity in your life.... (Sowing)
  • Make sure you find things that disturbing you from being happy person, believe and trust yourself, otherwise you will suffer from lack of self-esteem.... (Anorexia)
  • Don’t let yourself to be crucified for the actions of other persons.... (Crucify)
  • Dreaming that you are saving someone means that you fail to recognize certain emotions and characteristics in yourself symbolized by being a victim.... (Save)
  • However, if you start believing yourself more and if you will become more confident person, anything is available to achieve.... (Airplane)
  • When you start believe in yourself, it will be hard to believe how everything will get the way you always wanted to be.... (Airplane)
  • An aspect of yourself may still need some developing in order to achieve a goal or fulfillment.... (Teenager)
  • Alternatively, workshop in the dream represents your exploration of yourself.... (Workshop)
  • In the dream you see yourself working in your former working place, this indicates that you have to take the experience from the past and to use it in a current situation.... (Work)
  • Dreaming of yourself drinking inside a tavern may mean that enemies are waiting for a chance to attack somehow.... (Tavern)
  • Prepare yourself for amazing love journey, as it will bring joy and happiness for both of you.... (Banjo)
  • Dreaming of yourself in a tavern among people who are drinking is a bad dream that always announces problems in the near future and disrepute for misbehavior.... (Tavern)
  • To see others in need, foretells that unfortunate affairs will affect yourself with others.... (Need)
  • Dreaming of sores on yourself, portends early decay of health and impaired mentality.... (Sores)
  • Look after yourself, do not trust anyone, as there might be someone who wishes you unhappiness in your life.... (Abuse)
  • When you dream of the gourd, then such dream indicates the feminine aspects of yourself, lifetime and strength.... (Gourd)
  • If you see a slaughterhouse in a dream, then it shows you to take things easy and make an agreement within yourself, especially if you want to move forward.... (Slaughterhouse)
  • Dreaming of being bound in chains, denotes that unjust burdens are about to be thrown upon your shoulders | but if you succeed in breaking them you will free yourself from some unpleasant business or social engagement.... (Chains)
  • To dream of yourself as a party host and such party is in disorder because of the amount of wine that has been drank indicates that you’ll soon be victim of ingratitude and calumny.... (Party)
  • To see hares chased by dogs, denotes trouble and contentions among your friends, and you will concern yourself to bring about friendly relations.... (Hare)
  • Dreaming of pimples means that you shouldn’t let yourself be fooled by appearances; the true things lie within the essence of the human being.... (Pimples)
  • To dream that you’re participating in an ambush against someone is a warning, as it means that you may be feeling like acting in bad faith and are not thinking about the possible consequences, for example: being vindictive or envious, so you’ll want to harm someone, but you’ll end up harming yourself as well.... (Ambush)
  • Try to surround yourself with simple and loyal people.... (Events)
  • If in the dream, you see the lace already made into a garment indicates fear that others may abuse your trust and if you see yourself doing the lace, then it may indicate that you are taking advantage on the patience of others.... (Lace)
  • If somebody else has been cruel to you in a dream, then it means you should be more self confident and stand up for yourself.... (Cruel)
  • Dreaming that you are having your own photograph made, foretells that you will unwarily cause yourself and others’ trouble.... (Photography)
  • If you are wearing goggles, then it shows your attempt to protect yourself from emotional damage.... (Goggles)
  • If you dreamed of getting splashed by the water, then such dream shows the need to show yourself more, especially those things which you wanted to express for a long time.... (Splash)
  • In detail, a dream with a gateway suggests a tendency to isolate or distance yourself from others.... (Gateway)
  • Be careful and conduct yourself with caution.... (Axe)
  • Dreaming that you are being crucified, is interpreted as suggestion that you are punishing yourself.... (Crucify)
  • To dream of yourself weaving or trying to knit your own stockings or socks suggests that soon your activities will result negative, perhaps you’ll experience misunderstandings usually with people from the opposite sex.... (Stockings)
  • If some one calls you one, or if you imagine yourself one, there will be unfavorable prospects of pleasure for you.... (Traitor)
  • You should be more lovable to yourself.... (Anorexia)
  • When you dream of suffering from anorexia it signifies distrust of yourself.... (Anorexia)
  • Dreaming of a prison, is the forerunner of misfortune in every instance, if it encircles your friends, or yourself.... (Prison)
  • Dreaming of yourself smoking tobacco in any way announces the presence of close enemies that are trying to harm you, which is why you shouldn’t make mistakes with your friends or others.... (Tobacco)
  • To find yourself, in a dream, on top of a sleeping car, denotes you will make a journey with an unpleasant companion, with whom you will spend money and time that could be used in a more profitable and congenial way, and whom you will seek to avoid.... (Train)
  • Dreaming of engaging in combat, you will find yourself seeking to ingratiate your affections into the life and love of some one whom you know to be another’s, and you will run great risks of losing your good reputation in business.... (Combat)
  • Dreaming of fishhooks, denotes that you have opportunities to make for yourself a fortune and an honorable name if you rightly apply them.... (Fishhooks)
  • You are the one who is taking care of yourself.... (Life Jacket)
  • Perhaps you like to set the new challenges for yourself.... (Can Opener)
  • Perhaps only now you realized what you have missed and feel sorry for yourself.... (Train)
  • If in the dream you see yourself distancing from your significant other, often for no apparent reason, it’s an usual indication of problems and losses in the near future, and it’s generally unrelated to one’s partner or family, it gas to do with your own business, work or own affairs.... (Separation)
  • To see a crucifix in a dream, is a warning of distress approaching, which will involve others beside yourself.... (Crucifix)
  • If you see the blue jay in a dream, then it means you have too much trust in yourself.... (Blue Jay)
  • When see other people sleeping, it usually symbolizes yourself the way you feel and the way you accept others.... (Sleeping)
  • If you see the accelerator broken or fractured it means that you do not have control in some parts of your life, what you have to do is, to pull yourself together and take that control into your hands to get the results you wanted to get.... (Accelerator)
  • Try to focus on substantial tasks, prepare yourself for the worst and keep fighting for your independence.and self-suport.... (Bankrupt)
  • Perhaps you are very negative at some aspects of yourself therefore you are unable to achieve what you are willing for.... (Climb)
  • If you dream of irrigating some kind of crops or any plants, then such dream indicates the ideas you have hidden deep down in yourself.... (Irrigate)
  • You will become more self-confident and will begin to trust yourself as a strong and prosperous person.... (Water Skiing)
  • If you dreamed of being a telekinetic, then such dream indicates the super powers you have to get the special connection with the spiritual aspects of yourself and others.... (Telekinesis)
  • To see yourself teaching indicates that your advice and knowledge are sought by those close to you.... (Teach, Teacher)
  • Make sure you pay attention to the features of the grandmother you would like o see in yourself.... (Grandmother)
  • Make sure you think about others as much as you think about yourself.... (Sharpen)
  • You may be exploring hidden aspects of yourself.... (Subway)
  • Probably you need to start doing things if you wish you reach the targets you have set or yourself.... (Telekinesis)
  • To give jewels away, you will unconsciously work detriment to yourself.... (Jewels)
  • To dream that you’re in a monastery means that you’ll be learning more about yourself.... (Monastery)
  • When you are dreaming about acceptance, it symbolizes how much you respect yourself and what do you expect from the others.... (Acceptance)
  • If you see yourself participating in combat or preparing for it, it could mean that you are still receiving blows before maturity.... (Battle)
  • The dream also indicates the features you respect in yourself.... (Monument)
  • Don’t stress yourself out.... (Van)
  • If you dream of attacking an animal yourself, it symbolizes that in some situation of your life you will be saved by someone you do not know personally.... (Attack (assault, strike))
  • Dreaming that you see glass-blowers at their work, denotes you will contemplate change in your business, which will appear for the better, but you will make it at a loss to yourself.... (Glass-blower)
  • The dream suggests you to pull yourself together and go for it.... (Inventor)
  • If someone has pushed you to the dirty water, then it means you will find yourself in very shameful and unpleasant situation, which will not depend on you.... (Water)
  • This dream is a warning that, if you don’t repress yourself, you’ll be publicly discredited.... (Goat)
  • Dreaming that you see yourself in a seminar is usually a warning about lies and betrayals that will soon arise and that will come from people you didn’t expect to hurt you, usually your own relatives or close friends.... (Seminar)
  • Dreaming of yourself as a bartender serving drinks may mean that your own behavior leaves much to be desired, which makes you have incorrect friends that may lead to serious problems.... (Tavern)
  • If you are hemorrhaging in a dream, then it shows the shortage of excitement for life, lost belief in yourself and the lack of self-trust.... (Hemorrhage)
  • You should have more confidence in yourself and let your inner beauty to be shown.... (Toad)
  • Yourself alone can avert the impending danger.... (Crowd)
  • These obstacles are artificially created by yourself.... (Sledgehammer)
  • Also, dreaming of yourself in a tavern announces that you’ll suffer shame, moral guilt with family members, disappointments, job and business failures, etc.... (Tavern)
  • Dreaming of a white moth, foretells unavoidable sickness, though you will be tempted to accuse yourself or some other with wrong-doing, which you think causes the complaint.... (White Moth)
  • The dream also shows that the target you have set up for yourself is almost achieved.... (Climb)
  • To find yourself in a beautiful and richly furnished chamber implies sudden fortune, either through legacies from unknown relatives or through speculation.... (Chamber)
  • To play a harp yourself, signifies that your nature is too trusting, and you should be more careful in placing your confidence as well as love matters.... (Harp)
  • Perhaps you tend to talk about yourself a lot and the things you have achieved.... (Hen)
  • To see yourself being expulsed announces misfortune and loneliness.... (Expulsion)
  • This dream is an invitation to restrain our impulses or otherwise you’ll find yourself at risk of having big losses, disappointments and difficulties.... (Pointing)
  • If the mold is broken in a dream, then such dream suggests you to take new advantages of the life and prepare yourself for new proficiencies.... (Mold)
  • If you see yourself being on a spotlight, then it means that you wish to be noticed and appreciated by others.... (Spotlight)
  • You do not trust yourself, you are afraid to show your talents and to express your thoughts freely.... (Worm)
  • To dream of yourself being tortured represents that you are living an unhappy life with unpleasant people.... (Torment)
  • To accept a challenge of any character, denotes that you will bear many ills yourself in your endeavor to shield others from dishonor.... (Challenge)
  • You are identifying a part of yourself that was earlier repressed or undeveloped enough.... (Find)
  • You need to find the way you can express yourself properly.... (Teacups)
  • For these qualities you should look within yourself.... (Union)
  • Dreaming of yourself suffering because of another person indicates that you will be assigned to tasks or activities that will seem very unpleasant.... (Suffering)
  • If you see a shadow of your own, then it means that you have not accepted yourself fully for who you are.... (Shadows)
  • You need to stop comparing yourself to others.... (Measures)
  • Dreaming that you see yourself swollen, denotes that you will amass fortune, but your egotism will interfere with your enjoyment.... (Swelling)
  • Probably you are afraid to take the responsibility for yourself and be independent.... (Womb)
  • This aspect of yourself might be unclean or unaccepted by community.... (Leper)
  • To see yourself stooping, it indicates disappointment and humiliation in your family or professional activities.... (Bend down, Stoop)
  • Dreaming of yourself suffering implies that you’re too worried about non-important, inconsequential issues and easy-to-solve commitments.... (Suffering)
  • To find yourself handcuffed, you will be annoyed and vexed by enemies.... (Handcuffs)
  • If you get a better horse than the one you traded, you will better yourself in fortune.... (Horse-trader)
  • To dream of yourself shaking the reeds that carry the cobs suggests that you’re too eager for the results of your work, what is something not so good.... (Corn)
  • Dreaming of yourself being nervously influenced suggests that you’re portraying an exaggerated false modesty, despite the great personal satisfaction.... (Influence)
  • The dream in which you see your own or others spine, indicates the care and responsibility you put on yourself or others.... (Spine)